Disney xd kick buttowski loco launcho extreme
Disney xd kick buttowski loco launcho extreme

Kick it up a Notch! (Hard) - Place 3rd or better on Kick Butt! on Hard.Kick it up a Notch! (Easy) - Place 3rd or better on Kick Butt! on Easy.Hooked on Winning (Ultra) - Place 3rd or better on Fishtankia on Ultra Hard.Hooked on Winning (Medium) - Place 3rd or better on Fishtankia on Medium.Hooked on Winning (Hard) - Place 3rd or better on Fishtankia on Hard.Hooked on Winning (Easy) - Place 3rd or better on Fishtankia on Easy.Fishmonger (Ultra) - Place 3rd or better on Hokey Poke on Ultra Hard.Fishmonger (Medium) - Place 3rd or better on Hokey Poke on Medium.Fishmonger (Hard) - Place 3rd or better on Hokey Poke on Hard.Fishmonger (Easy) - Place 3rd or better on Hokey Poke on Easy.First in Class (Ultra) - Place 3rd or better on Freshwater High on Ultra Hard.First in Class (Medium) - Place 3rd or better on Freshwater High on Medium.First in Class (Hard) - Place 3rd or better on Freshwater High on Hard.First in Class (Easy) - Place 3rd or better on Freshwater High on Easy.Summer Belongs to You - Finish 1st place on Danville Arena.Win-Inator - Finish 1st place on Danville River.Where's Perry? - Finish 1st place on Doof's Tower.

disney xd kick buttowski loco launcho extreme

Time to Kick Buttowski! - Finish 1st place on Dirt Devils.Epic Win - Finish 1st place on Bus Jumper.Kick it up a Notch! - Finish 1st place on Kick Butt!.Hooked On Winning - Finish 1st place on Fishtankia.

disney xd kick buttowski loco launcho extreme disney xd kick buttowski loco launcho extreme

Fishmonger - Finish 1st place on Hokey Poke.First In Class - Finish 1st place on Freshwater High.Join the Big Leagues - Finish 3rd or better in all Master Circuit tracks.


  • A Real Contender - You have unlocked the difficulty toggle for the Pro Circuit.
  • Not Such a Newbie - You have unlocked the difficulty toggle for the Newbie Circuit.
  • Ultimate Champion - Finish first place in all races.
  • V key - to slide around corners (Holding the V key down fills the drift bar.).
  • B key - to buy a powerup for 50 tokens during a race.
  • Left and right arrow keys - to turn the cart.
  • The controls for the PC version are as follows:

    Disney xd kick buttowski loco launcho extreme